StarLine Immobiliser Systems
StarLine immobilisers and anti-hijack systems are currently the most advanced available on the UK market. No other product of this type offers the level of security and customisation as our bestselling StarLine i96 vehicle immobiliser system.
Combining the latest digital solutions with classical time-proven technologies, resulting in a unique product that has no analogues in the world!
An immobiliser (or immobilizer) is an electronic security device fitted to an automobile that prevents the engine from running unless owner authentication had taken place prior. It can perform driver recognition in one or several ways. A typical example is a transponder key / tag / card that can either be wireless (automatic recognition by proximity) or stationary (the owner either touches or swipes the key at a certain place within the vehicle). An immobiliser can prevent the car from being “hot wired” if a would-be thief has managed to gain entry.
“A 2016 study in the Economic Journal finds that the immobilizer lowered the overall rate of car theft by about 40% between 1995 and 2008. The benefits in terms of prevented thefts are at least three times higher than the costs of installing the device.”
Immobilisers were originally introduced as a supplementary anti-theft measure for high-risk vehicles i.e. to be used in addition to a high-grade car alarm system. An immobiliser can significantly delay a thief, but the downside of these devices is that they don’t alert the owner if the vehicle is being tampered with.

StarLine i96
Interfaces: 3xCAN | BT
From £350
Supplied & Fitted
A unique, highly-advanced and intelligent immobiliser and anti-hijack system designed for modern vehicles. The only system of its kind in the world that combines the best of both worlds: analogue (‘old school’) and digital CAN-BUS (new age) anti-theft solutions.
Recommended for newer vehicles.
✓ Bluetooth driver ID tag**
✓ StarLine Key (Bluetooth smartphone app.)
✓ PIN code on dash buttons*
✓ Unhackable encryption (BluetoothSmart)
✓ Error-free installation to modern vehicles
✓ Integration with owner’s smartphone
✓ Digital (CANBUS) immobilisation (no wires cut, no external relays used)
✓ Analgue (‘hard-cut’) immobilisation**
✓ Up to 5 wireless immobilisation points**
✓ Built-in accelerometer (motion detection)
✓ 3 operating modes (standard, anti-hijack, valet mode)
✓ Integration with central locking system*
✓ Hands-free operation
✓ Programmable anti-hijack
✓ Change PIN code at any time
✓ Window roll-up*
✓ OBD port lock*
✓ Keyless entry system lock*
✓ Integration with bonnet lock**
✓ One-touch maintenance mode
✓ Stable operation in extreme weather conditions
✓ Waterproof and shockproof ID tag
✓ Emergency deactivation
✓ Compatible with a wide range of vehicles
* Feature is vehicle specific.
** Feature an optional extra.

StarLine i95
Interfaces: 2.4Ghz
From £299
Supplied & Fitted
Realiable analogue contactless immobiliser and anti-hijack system designed to safeguard the vehicle against unauthorised use by such means as physical key theft, keyless entry system hacking (“relay attack”), and carjacking.
Recommended for older vehicles.
✓ 2.4 Ghz driver ID tag (2 pcs included)
✓ Unhackable encryption (2.4Ghz)
✓ Analgue (‘hard-cut’) immobilisation
✓ Built-in accelerometer (motion detection)
✓ 3 operating modes (standard, anti-hijack, valet mode)
✓ Integration with central locking system*
✓ Hands-free operation*
✓ Pre-set anti-hijack
✓ Window roll-up*
✓ Integration with bonnet lock**
✓ Stable operation in extreme weather conditions
✓ Waterproof and shockproof ID tag
✓ Emergency deactivation
✓ Compatible with a wide range of vehicles
* Feature is vehicle specific.
** Feature an optional extra.

StarLine M66
Interfaces: CAN | BT | GSM | GPS-GLONASS
From £399
Supplied & Fitted
A unique intelligent micro device that combines a tracking device, an immobiliser, and a pager.
Can be installed on any form of transport.
Supports 12/24V installation.
✓ Bluetooth driver ID tag**
✓ Owner’s smartphone
StarLine Key (Bluetooth smartphone app.)
GSM (phone calls, text messages)
Online server (
StarLine-2 (GSM smartphone app.) – works without distance limitations
✓ CAN-BUS interface
✓ Error-free installation to modern vehicles
✓ Bluetooth driver ID tag (waterproof and shockproof)**
✓ Unhackable encryption (BluetoothSmart)
✓ Integration with owner’s smartphone (owner’s phone can be used as driver ID)
✓ Hands-free operation
✓ Virtual garage
✓ Built-in accelerometer (motion detection)
✓ Dual-zone adjustable shock/tilt/motion sensors
✓ Analgue (‘hard-cut’) immobilisation**
✓ Remote immobilisation on-demand**
✓ Programmable anti-hijack **
✓ Up to 5 wireless immobilisation points**
✓ Integration with central locking system**
✓ Integration with external siren/horn**
✓ Integration with the main alarm system**
✓ FlexibleLogic (bespoke customisation)
✓ 3 operating modes (standard, anti-hijack, valet mode)
✓ One-touch maintenance mode
✓ Emergency deactivation
✓ Compatible with a wide range of vehicles
✓ Stable operation in extreme weather conditions
✓ Communication via calls and SMS
✓ Free smartphone app. (iOS/Android)
✓ Access to cloud service via browser
✓ No distance limitations
✓ Remote access to system settings
✓ Instant notification of any security breach
✓ Real time status updates
✓ Custom notifications
✓ Error code and service message detection and owner notification (remote diagnostics)*
✓ High-precision location detection
✓ Subscription-free LIVE tracking
✓ Detailed travel histories
✓ Geofence settings
✓ Mileage and fuel level monitoring*
✓ Driving style and quality evaluation
* Feature is vehicle specific.
** Feature an optional extra.