Certification / Homologation
Trusted by over 30 world-famous vehicle manufacturers!
StarLine produces OEM upgrade vehicle security equipment for factory cars and is homologated by some of world's leading vehicle manufacturers, including the VAG group (Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda), Geneal Motors (Opel/Vauxhall, Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet), as well some of Britain's favourites, such as Ford, Fiat-Abarth, Toyota, Lexus, Kia, Nissan, etc. [ See: Britain's Bestselling Cars >>> ]
With more than 60% market share, ScPA «StarLine» Ltd. is the undisputed leader of the vehicle security market in its native Russia. It’s a long-established brand that needs no introduction. StarLine is a household name and is often referred to as ‘people’s brand’. Due to the company’s impeccable reputation, a number of dealer centres, representing some of the world’s leading vehicle manufacturers, have chosen us as their reliable partner in developing security solutions for their factory cars.

StarLine’s automotive anti-theft, tracking and monitoring telematic solutions are homologated by a number of world’s leading vehicle manufacturers; we supply, via a centralised delivery system, to over 4,000 dealer centres nationwide, where our vehicle security equipment is used as a genuine accessory, an OEM upgrade, or positioned as the recommended aftermarket upgrade.
StarLine has also recently started working with dealer centres in neighbouring countries, steadily expanding into Europe.
Thanks to our partnership with vehicle manufacturers, we are able to always stay a step ahead of the criminals – we design our systems taking into account inherent vulnerabilities of a particular make/model, so we are aware of potential security holes that can be exploited before the criminals get the change to do so.

Our fully EU certified modern hi-tech production facility in St.Peterburg, Russian Federation, is equipped with the latest state-of-the art machinery by world’s leading manufacturers, – the equipment is regularly serviced and calibrated and we have the strictest quality-control standards in place that we adhere to religiously. StarLine’s quality management system – applied to all departments and production lines – is ISO 9001:2008 TÜV Rheinland and GOST ISO 9001:2011 («Research Centre of Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems») certified.
StarLine car security products carry the following marks of quality assurance:

StarLine products’ original design and unique technological solutions are protected by the following patents and certificates of authorship:

Russian Federation: №82934-№82936, №85256, №85257, №84446, №77308, №77309, №80247, №80248, №86888, №87172, №86991, №116107, №101980, №2524809, №2010614059- №2010614062, №2010615049-№2010615051, №2012612962, №2013613006, №2013613005, №2013617207, №337380, №415226, №439874, №462966, №438908, №467850, №465706, №964237, №99410, №28166, №01491331, №0141332, №10629249, №10629248, №508451, №517094, №511973, №507475, №523832, №2013720425, №520358, №523244, №523630, №526508, №521743, №531035, №521456, №522339, №520113, №521266, №521744, №521969, №523242, №521745, №523243, №2013720440, №544137, №544138, №546863, №2014729105-№2014729107, №559392, №559393;
Kazakhstan: №1873, №1833, №28166, №1215725;
Ukraine: №24618, №24724, №24725, №24726, №25174, №99410;
Taiwan: №01491331, №0141332;
China: №10629249, №10629248;
Canada: №1693164, №159009;
USA: 29/501.620; №4.820.153;
European Union: №011179447, №011179454;
Countries of the Madrid agreement: №964237, №1215725
StarLine is the official partner of – and has been homologated by – the following vehicle manufacturers: